Fovea dentis перевод – fovea dentis — с латинского на русский
fovea dentis — с русского
с русского
См. также в других словарях:
Fovea dentis — dantinė duobutė statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Fovea dentis ryšiai: platesnis terminas – apatinis lankas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
fovea dentis atlantis — [TA] facet for dens: the facet on the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas for the articulation of the dens of the axis … Medical dictionary
fovea — Any natural depression on the surface of the body, such as the axilla, or on the surface of a bone. Cf.:dimple. SYN: pit (1). [L. a pit] f. anterior SYN: superior f.. anterior f. SYN: superior f.. f. ar … Medical dictionary
fovea distalis dentis — [TA] distal fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also distal pit … Medical dictionary
fovea mesialis dentis — [TA] mesial fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the mesial aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also mesial pit … Medical dictionary
facies articularis anterior dentis — [TA] anterior articular facet of dens of axis: an oval facet on the anterior surface of the dens of the axis, articulating with the fovea dentis of the atlas … Medical dictionary
facet for dens — fovea dentis atlantis … Medical dictionary
facet, facette — 1. A small smooth area on a bone or other firm structure. 2. A worn spot on a tooth, produced by chewing or grinding. [Fr. facette] acromial f. of clavicle [TA] a small oval f. on the lateral end of the clavicle for … Medical dictionary
Atlas (os) — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
Atlas (vertèbre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transverse de l atlas ; 2 : Arc antérieur ; 3 … Wikipédia en Français
Os atlas — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
fovea+dentis — с латинского на английский
premō essī, essus, ere
[PREM-], to press : ad pectora natos, V.: anguem humi, to tread on , V.: membra paterna rotis, i. e. drove her chariot over the body , O.: trabes Premunt columnas, press upon , H.: ubera plena, i. e. milk , O.: frena manu, grasp , O.: dente frena, champ , O.: grana ore suo, chew , O.: presso molari, with compressed teeth , Iu.: pressum lac, i. e. cheese , V.: quod surgente die mulsere, Nocte premunt, make into cheese , V.: litus, hug the shore , H.— To press out, express, obtain by pressing : pressa tuis balanus capillis, i. e. balsam , H.: oleum, express , H.— To press upon, lie on, rest on, be upon : humum, O.: toros, O.: hoc quod premis habeto, O.: pharetram cervice, O.— To cover, bury, suppress, hide : alqd terrā, H.: Omne lucrum tenebris premebat humus, O.: ossa male pressa, i. e. buried , O.: Conlectum sub naribus ignem, repressing (of a horse), V.— To cover, crown, adorn : ut premerer sacrā lauro, H.: Fronde crinem, V.— To press hard, bear upon, crowd, throng, pursue closely : Hac fugerent Grai, premeret Troiana iuventus, thronged , V.: Hinc Rutulus premit, V.: hostīs ex loco superiore, Cs.: naves cum adversarios premerent acrius, N.: Trīs famulos, i. e. kill ., V.: ad retia cervom, chase , V.— To press down, burden, load, freight : Nescia quem premeret, on whose back she sat , O.: pressae carinae, loaded , V.— To press down, depress, cause to sink : sors, quae tollit eosdem, Et premit, O.: mundus ut ad Scythiam Consurgit, premitur, etc., is depressed , V.: dentīs in vite, O.: presso sub vomere, V.: cubito remanete presso, i. e. rest on your couches , H.— To mark, impress : littera articulo pressa tremente, written , O.: multā via pressa rotā, O.— To set out, plant : virgulta per agros, V.: pressae propaginis arcūs, layers , V.— To press down, make deep, impress : vestigio leviter presso: sulcum, draw a furrow , V.: cavernae in altitudinem pressae, Cu.— To press close, compress, close, shut : oculos, V.: fauces, O.: laqueo collum, strangle , H.: praecordia senis, stop the breath , Iu.: quibus illa premetur Per somnum digitis, choked , Iu. — To shorten, keep down, prune : falce vitem, H.: luxuriem falce, O.— To check, arrest : vestigia, V. — To visit frequently, frequent : forum.—Fig., to press, be pressing, burden, oppress, overwhelm, weigh down : necessitas eum premebat: aerumnae, quae me premunt, S.: pressus gravitate soporis, O.: aere alieno premi, Cs.: premi periculis.— To press, press upon, urge, drive, importune, pursue, press hard : cum a me premeretur: Criminibus premunt veris, urge , O.: a plerisque ad exeundum premi, to be importuned , N.: Numina nulla premunt, V.: (deus) Os rabidum fingit premendo, i. e. by his inspiration , V.— To follow up, press home, urge, dwell upon : argumentum etiam atque etiam: (vocem) pressit, i. e. laid to heart , V.— To cover, hide, conceal : dum nocte premuntur, V.: iam te premet nox, H.— To lower, pull down, humble, degrade, disparage, depreciate : premebat eum factio, kept him down , L.: hunc prensantem premebat nobilitas, opposed his candidacy , L.: arma Latini, V.: opuscula (opp. laudet ametque), H.— To compress, abridge, condense : haec Zeno sic premebat.— To check, arrest, repress, restrain : cursum ingeni tui, Brute, premit haec clades: vocem, to be silent , V. — To surpass, exceed, overshadow : Facta premant annos, O.: ne prisca vetustas Laude pudicitiae saecula nostra premat, O.— To keep down, rule : ventos imperio, V.: Mycenas servitio, V.
* * *
premere, pressi, pressus V
press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm
fovea dentis — с русского на латинский
Fovea dentis — dantinė duobutė statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Fovea dentis ryšiai: platesnis terminas – apatinis lankas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
fovea dentis atlantis — [TA] facet for dens: the facet on the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas for the articulation of the dens of the axis … Medical dictionary
fovea — Any natural depression on the surface of the body, such as the axilla, or on the surface of a bone. Cf.:dimple. SYN: pit (1). [L. a pit] f. anterior SYN: superior f.. anterior f. SYN: superior f.. f. ar … Medical dictionary
fovea distalis dentis — [TA] distal fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also distal pit … Medical dictionary
fovea mesialis dentis — [TA] mesial fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the mesial aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also mesial pit … Medical dictionary
facies articularis anterior dentis — [TA] anterior articular facet of dens of axis: an oval facet on the anterior surface of the dens of the axis, articulating with the fovea dentis of the atlas … Medical dictionary
facet for dens — fovea dentis atlantis … Medical dictionary
facet, facette — 1. A small smooth area on a bone or other firm structure. 2. A worn spot on a tooth, produced by chewing or grinding. [Fr. facette] acromial f. of clavicle [TA] a small oval f. on the lateral end of the clavicle for … Medical dictionary
Atlas (os) — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
Atlas (vertèbre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transverse de l atlas ; 2 : Arc antérieur ; 3 … Wikipédia en Français
Os atlas — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
fovea dentis — с английского на корейский
с английского на корейский
См. также в других словарях:
Fovea dentis — dantinė duobutė statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Fovea dentis ryšiai: platesnis terminas – apatinis lankas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
fovea dentis atlantis — [TA] facet for dens: the facet on the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas for the articulation of the dens of the axis … Medical dictionary
fovea — Any natural depression on the surface of the body, such as the axilla, or on the surface of a bone. Cf.:dimple. SYN: pit (1). [L. a pit] f. anterior SYN: superior f.. anterior f. SYN: superior f.. f. ar … Medical dictionary
fovea distalis dentis — [TA] distal fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also distal pit … Medical dictionary
fovea mesialis dentis — [TA] mesial fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the mesial aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also mesial pit … Medical dictionary
facies articularis anterior dentis — [TA] anterior articular facet of dens of axis: an oval facet on the anterior surface of the dens of the axis, articulating with the fovea dentis of the atlas … Medical dictionary
facet for dens — fovea dentis atlantis … Medical dictionary
facet, facette — 1. A small smooth area on a bone or other firm structure. 2. A worn spot on a tooth, produced by chewing or grinding. [Fr. facette] acromial f. of clavicle [TA] a small oval f. on the lateral end of the clavicle for … Medical dictionary
Atlas (os) — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
Atlas (vertèbre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transverse de l atlas ; 2 : Arc antérieur ; 3 … Wikipédia en Français
Os atlas — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
fovea dentis — с литовского
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См. также в других словарях:
Fovea dentis — dantinė duobutė statusas T sritis gyvūnų anatomija, gyvūnų morfologija atitikmenys: lot. Fovea dentis ryšiai: platesnis terminas – apatinis lankas … Veterinarinės anatomijos, histologijos ir embriologijos terminai
fovea dentis atlantis — [TA] facet for dens: the facet on the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas for the articulation of the dens of the axis … Medical dictionary
fovea — Any natural depression on the surface of the body, such as the axilla, or on the surface of a bone. Cf.:dimple. SYN: pit (1). [L. a pit] f. anterior SYN: superior f.. anterior f. SYN: superior f.. f. ar … Medical dictionary
fovea distalis dentis — [TA] distal fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the distal aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also distal pit … Medical dictionary
fovea mesialis dentis — [TA] mesial fovea of tooth a minute depression located at the point of intersection of developmental grooves on the mesial aspect of the occlusal surface of bicuspid and molar teeth. Called also mesial pit … Medical dictionary
facies articularis anterior dentis — [TA] anterior articular facet of dens of axis: an oval facet on the anterior surface of the dens of the axis, articulating with the fovea dentis of the atlas … Medical dictionary
facet for dens — fovea dentis atlantis … Medical dictionary
facet, facette — 1. A small smooth area on a bone or other firm structure. 2. A worn spot on a tooth, produced by chewing or grinding. [Fr. facette] acromial f. of clavicle [TA] a small oval f. on the lateral end of the clavicle for … Medical dictionary
Atlas (os) — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
Atlas (vertèbre) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transverse de l atlas ; 2 : Arc antérieur ; 3 … Wikipédia en Français
Os atlas — Atlas (vertèbre) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Atlas et C1. Atlas, vue supérieure : 1 : Tubercule du ligament transvers … Wikipédia en Français
fovea dentis atlantis — с английского
fovea dentis atlantis — [TA] facet for dens: the facet on the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas for the articulation of the dens of the axis … Medical dictionary
fovea — Any natural depression on the surface of the body, such as the axilla, or on the surface of a bone. Cf.:dimple. SYN: pit (1). [L. a pit] f. anterior SYN: superior f.. anterior f. SYN: superior f.. f. ar … Medical dictionary
facet for dens — fovea dentis atlantis … Medical dictionary
facet, facette — 1. A small smooth area on a bone or other firm structure. 2. A worn spot on a tooth, produced by chewing or grinding. [Fr. facette] acromial f. of clavicle [TA] a small oval f. on the lateral end of the clavicle for … Medical dictionary
Atlantoaxialgelenk — Als Kopfgelenke werden das Gelenk zwischen dem Hinterhauptbein (Os occipitale) des Schädels und Atlas (erster Halswirbel) sowie die Gelenke zwischen Atlas und Axis (zweiter Halswirbel) bezeichnet. Diese Gelenke bewirken die Beweglichkeit des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Genickbruch — Als Kopfgelenke werden das Gelenk zwischen dem Hinterhauptbein (Os occipitale) des Schädels und Atlas (erster Halswirbel) sowie die Gelenke zwischen Atlas und Axis (zweiter Halswirbel) bezeichnet. Diese Gelenke bewirken die Beweglichkeit des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kopfgelenk — Als Kopfgelenke werden das Gelenk zwischen dem Hinterhauptbein (Os occipitale) des Schädels und Atlas (erster Halswirbel) sowie die Gelenke zwischen Atlas und Axis (zweiter Halswirbel) bezeichnet. Diese Gelenke bewirken zusammen mit der übrigen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Шейные позвонки — Шейные позвонки, vertebrae cervicales, числом 7, за исключением первых двух, характеризуются небольшими низкими телами, постепенно расширяющимися по направлению к последнему, VII, позвонку. Верхняя поверхность тела слегка вогнута справа налево … Атлас анатомии человека
Anterior arch of the atlas — Infobox Bone Name = Anterior arch of the atlas Latin = arcus anterior atlantis GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = First cervical vertebra, or atlas. (Anter. arch visible at top.) Caption2 = System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre … Wikipedia
СВЯЗКИ — СВЯЗКИ, ligamenta (от лат. ligo вяжу), термин, употребляемый в нормальной анатомии связки человека и высших позвоночных по преимуществу для обозначения плотных соединительнотканных тяжей, пластин и пр., Дополняющих и подкрепляющих собой тот или… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия
surface — The outer part of any solid. SYN: face (2) [TA], facies (2) [TA]. [F. fr. L. superficius, see superficial] acromial articular s. of clavicle SYN: acromial facet of clavicle. anterior s. [TA] the s. of a … Medical dictionary